Community Info

The following groups, organizations and societies contribute to the heart of community on Texada for island visitors, residents and businesses:

Better at Home

Better At Home on Texada Island matches volunteers with seniors to provide non-medical support so seniors can continue living independently in their own homes. Currently we offer limited transportation, including grocery delivery, plus friendly visits by phone and light yard work.
Better at Home is administered by Inclusion Powell River and BC United Way, with funding from the Province of BC.

Emergency Support Services

Emergency Support Services’ function is to help people in times of disaster, and to promote emergency preparedness.
Powell River Red Cross 604-485-3211

Express Lines

Our monthly newsletter of island happenings is published by Texada Island Community Society, and distributed free to island residents.
PO Box 267, Gillies Bay BC V0N 1W0

qathet Community Justice

(qCJ), with foundational roots in Texada Island Restorative Justice, aims to restore relationships where conflict or crime has caused harm and address the underlying issues that perpetuate injustice. We provide criminal and non-criminal Restorative Justice services, develop diversity-affirming initiatives and provide justice and diversity training to the whole region of qathet. We hold community dialogue circles to provide a safe and respectful space to discuss difficult issues. We gratefully work within the traditional territory of the Tla’amin, shíshálh, Klahoose, Homalco, and K’ómoks First Nations. 

Recycling Depots

Texada Island Transfer Station

6529 Shelter Point Road
(turn left onto Shelter Point Road off of Gillies Bay Rd at Shelter Point Park and follow the road towards Central Road for approx 2 km – station is on the left hand side of the road)

  • Scrap metals (all vehicles and machinery must be free of fluids)
  • Fridges and freezers (a $25 fee will be charged for the drop off of fridges and freezers)

Wade Chishom 604-413-2176

Gillies Bay Recycling Depot

4913 Gillies Bay Rd
Behind Texada Community Hall
Weds, Fri, Sat 9-5

Van Anda Recycling Depot

Located on Gillies Bay Rd across from the gas station
Tues, Thurs 9-5
Link to the Regional District page on recycling
For information about where to take specific items, visit this page:

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 232

2099 Legion Rd, Van Anda
The Texada Branch of the Legion received its charter from Legion Dominion Command in 1949. It has operated continuously since then, starting out in a converted brush pickers’ shed by Van Anda Creek and moving to its present location at 2099 Legion Rd in 1961, into a new building built primarily by volunteer labour. Membership in the Legion is open to all Canadian citizens and landed immigrants over 19 years of age.
Friday 5:30 pm Bingo
Saturday 3:30 pm Meat Draw
Sunday 3:30 pm Meat Draw
See our facebook page

Sandpiper’s Play Centre

5079 Gillies Bay Road
Old Schoolhouse, Gillies Bay
Facebook Page

Texada Action Now (TAN)

(TAN) Community Association strives to maintain and strengthen the integrity of the environmental, social and economic fabric of the Texada Island community. All residents and ratepayers 19 and older are members of TAN with full voting rights. All participation is welcome and encouraged.
Chuck Childress

Texada Agricultural Group (TAG)

TAG is a non-profit society founded in 2012, uniting Texadans in sharing knowledge and resources regarding agriculture, food security and related activities. TAG focuses on promoting our local food system, including local food production, processing, distribution, consumption and resource recovery.
TAG’s major initiative to date is the Texada Food Hub, a commercial-grade food preservation kitchen located at Texada School. It currently offers a commercial blast freezer, commercial food dehydrator (see photo), two large fermentation crocks, food processor, package labeler and pressure canning equipment.
The Hub is intended to help Texadans learn and practice food preservation techniques to strengthen their own food security, plus it provides a certified kitchen for local food entrepreneurs. It’s also available for use by School District 47, including Texada School students and faculty.
For more information:
Contact Tom Read:
604 483-1471

Texada Airport Advisory Committee

A volunteer organization of texada Island members who provide advice to the Regional District Board on matters that pertain to the airport.
Contact the Chair Joseph Scott:

Texada Arts, Tourism & Culture (TACT)

Formed in 2004.
The mission of Texada Arts, Culture & Tourism Society (TACT) is to support, encourage, and nurture the arts, culture and tourism on Texada Island in harmony with the existing economic activities that are the mainstay of Texada Island in a manner that supports the entire island community and to develop and stimulate ways for people working in the arts, culture and tourism fields to be a strong part of Texada Island’s economic base.
TACT sponsors this website, as well as various island cultural and family activities.
Gerry Childress (President)

Texada Boat Club

The Texada Boat Club lies safe and secure ringed by steep treed bluffs and a mammoth rock breakwater. The dream of a viable community Boat Club started in the 60’s by forward thinking Islanders has become a reality through the dedicated hard work of club members, the generosity of local landowners and the quarries and especially through community support throughout its history. Volunteer work parties are the backbone of the Club’s expansion, which now extends to over 500 feet of docks, including substantial transient moorage for the accommodation of visitor boats, all which generates income for the Club. 
The Wharfinger Jenny can be reached at 604-223-1122

Texada Ceramic & Sculpture Studio (TCSS)

The Texada Ceramics and Sculpture Studio (TCSS) is located in the basement of the Texada Elementary School in Van Anda. Alfred Muma and Kathleen Scott started cleaning and organizing the old metal and woodworking shop in April 2018. With donations from community organizations, qathet Regional District, and community fund raisers, TCSS opened its doors November of 2019, joining TACT shortly afterwards. There is an annual fee to join, and clay and tools can be bought on site. There are additional costs at the last glaze firing stage.

Contact: to learn more.

Texada Elementary School

PO Box 40, Van Anda BC V0N 3K0

Texada Emergency Coordinator (for qathet Regional District)

Ken Becotte
604-997-2250 (preferred) or

Texada Garden Club

An enthusiastic group of garden lovers from a huge array of backgrounds, skills and interests. Our informal monthly gatherings are informative and fun, often with guest speakers. Check the Express Lines for details.

Texada Health Services Society

THSS provides community advice and support to the Director of the Texada Island Community Health Centre with respect to the ongoing health care of the approximately 1000 residents of this island.
The Texada Health Services Society’s mandate is to facilitate the provision of a range of health care services that will address the changing health care needs of the people of Texada Island.
For more information call President Barb Egglestone at 604-486-7494

Texada Island Chamber of Commerce

An association of business owners and individual members who band together to improve business and the community on the Island. The after dinner meeting is an excellent venue for keeping informed with what’s happening on the Island and generally a barometer of local concerns and issues that are acted upon locally or passed on to Regional, Provincial and Federal governments.
Dinner meetings are held the last Friday of every 2nd month beginning in September and finishing in May. A wide variety of guest speakers are invited.
Contact President Joseph Scott:

Texada Island Community Society (TICS)

A registered Society since 1930 and the general mandate is to encourage the enhancement of youth and community, support the advancement of education and to assist the needy.
In addition to hosting the 11 monthly Bingos (1st Friday of each month, September through June, plus Sandcastle Weekend) TICS also has an annual Swap Meet in May. The main revenue generating activity is what is fondly referred to as our ‘Publishing Empire’, which includes the monthly Express Lines, the annual Texada Lines and the bi-annual Telephone Directory.
Many island groups and organizations benefit directly or indirectly from TICS.
Call Doriana Kiland (President) at 604-414-4893

Texada Island Heritage Society

Texada Island Museum, Archives and Historical Society – preserving the past of Texada Island.

Texada Island Needlework Guild (TING)

TING meets at the Royal Canadian Legion in Van Anda. Together we share our skills and learn new techniques in a friendly environment where we can indulge guilt free in the stitching we love to do. Beginners are welcome. The Quilters’ Group also meets regularly at the Legion.
Contact Barb McCormack at 604-486-7115.

Texada Island Nonprofit Seniors Housing Society (TINSHS)

A small but determined group, working to provide an affordable independent living residence with common areas, in order to maintain some of our seniors in our community. We have identified potential land on which to build and are awaiting final aproval. TINSHS welcomes new members from our community to help us build our dream!
Cathy Brown (President):
PO Box 32, Van Anda, BC V0N 3K0

Texada Island Recreation Commission (TIRC)

A volunteer board made up of Texada residents that work with the qathet Regional District to manage recreational facilities on Texada. The Commission also considers Grant in Aid requests from local recreation groups. Thanks to volunteer efforts and the Island’s industrial past it has a relatively large number of recreational facilities to manage. These include the Texada Island Community Hall, the Gillies Bay tennis courts, Smithson Park and the Gillies Bay Ball Field and Farmers Market area. Recent acquisitions are Erikson Beach, the Van Anda Cove Property and the Old School.
For more information email Chairman Ron Smith

Texada Island Stickleback Society

Enhancing and protecting the rare and scientifically important stickleback species pairs of Texada Island.

Texada Island United Church

Our mission statement: to foster spiritual development of all members of our community as revealed in the Bible.
Everyone is welcome at our community church. We are a caring congregation of Christians from several denominations who gather to share the word of God for us today. Our church is a small but our hearts are large and our songs of praise ring out.
Normally, you can find us gathering for worship and fellowship at the church on Para and Main Street in Van Anda on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m.Each Sunday our minister posts a “Focus in Spirit” on our website with links on the Texada Message Board and our Texada Island United Church Facebook page.
Contact Rev. Gayle Chouinard:

Texada Island Volunteer Fire Departments

Both Van Anda and Gillies Bay and the surrounding area are protected by two volunteer fire departments that routinely work together to fight fires on the island. Both departments are members of the Volunteer Fire Fighters’ Association of British Columbia. Members of the two departments hold weekly meetings and training sessions, where proper equipment usage and maintenance is covered.
The fire departments are responsible for issuing burning permits and also informing the public of fire bans during the fire season.
For information about joining please call either chief at the numbers listed.
Van Anda:
Mark Robert (Fire Chief) 604-414-9662
Gillies Bay:
Rob McWilliam (Fire Chief) 604-424-5122

Texada Library

Located in the Old School building in Gillies Bay. The library maintains a collection, donated and purchased, of fiction, nonfiction, children’s books, reference materials, DVDs and other AV materials. Any resident or visitor to Texada Island may borrow circulating library materials. The library has two computers and a printer for public use. There is internet connection and WIFI in the parking lot. Texada residents who borrow books or other materials from the Texada Library or directly from the Powell River Library may return those items to the drop box at the Post Office in Van Anda or to the library in Gillies Bay.
For more information call the library at 604-486-6728 during opening hours.

Monday2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Tuesday 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Wednesday12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Thursday10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Friday12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Saturday12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sunday12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Texada Museum and Archives

Van Anda Elementary School Building, Van Anda

Texada NatureKids BC

NatureKids BC is a nature discovery and environmental action non profit organization, that helps children form meaningful and enduring connections with nature, alongside their families across British Columbia. The Texada NatureKids BC club organizes once a month Explorer Days, 1 to 2 hour activities in nature for families to enjoy. Families with children ages 5-12 can sign up as members for FREE at We also welcome adults with a passion for nature to volunteer with us that are interested in helping organize outdoor activities in nature. For more information reach out to Katelyn at

Texada Policing and Public Safety Committee

A thirty year history of advising and supporting the RCMP on the island.  Our objective is maintaining a partnership with and liaison between the RCMP and Texada citizens.  We support first responder co-ordination, road safety, responsible hunting, victim services, youth activities, and restorative justice programs.
Contact Roger Kimmerly:
P.O. Box 48 Van Anda  B.C.  V0N 3K0

Texada Seniors Council

The organization was formed in 1932 to fight for seniors’ rights (previously affiliated with OAPO branch #153) and now fulfills a social function providing the community a meeting room for non-profit community groups and a Friday lunch open to all looking for food and friendship.  Times for lunch to be announced since the pandemic. Membership in this organization is open to anyone 18 years of age or older.
Call (or text) Dale Rinehart (President)

Texada Women’s Island Network

A non-partisan, non-religious, non-affiliated group and does not have any single focus interest. The group has a monthly luncheon meeting and is dedicated to bringing women together from all walks of life so that they may share and support each others goals and interests, exchange ideas and enjoy each other’s company.
For more information call Linn Rairie at 604-486-7468.

Thrift Store

In Gilles Bay
Open Sunday, Monday and Thursday from 11:00 to 1:00

Van Anda Volunteer Fire Fighter’s Association (VAVFFA)

VAVFFA supports the Van Anda Fire Department, its volunteer firefighters, and the Texada community. Activities include fundraising (i.e. the Firefighters’ Ball), promoting safety awareness, and community events (Christmas Tree lighting, Sandcastle Pancake Breakfast, children’s Easter Egg Hunt). Membership is open to everyone.
Contact Angela Beaumont:

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